Somerset County Farmers Markets

Somerset County, Maine has 4 Farmers Markets, with a population of 51 thousand, there is 1 Farmers Market for every 12.7 thousand people. Somerset County is ranked 3rd of 16 counties in Maine for Farmers Markets per capita.

All Farmers Markets in Somerset County, Maine

Find Somerset County Farmers Markets addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.

Balfour Farm Cheese, Farm Produce, Meat 461 Webb Rd Pittsfield, 04967

Fairfield Farmers Market Farm Produce, Food & Dining 81 Main St (rte 201) Fairfield, 04937

Palmyra Farmers' Market Farm Produce, Food & Dining Rte 2 Palmyra, 04965

Skowhegan Farmers Market Farm Produce, Food & Dining Madison Ave (rte 201) And Pleasant St Skowhegan, 04976