Clive Grocery Stores & Supermarkets

Clive, Iowa has 3 Grocery Stores & Supermarkets, with a population of 17.1 thousand, there is 1 Grocery Store & Supermarket for every 5.7 thousand people. Clive is ranked 109th of 1056 cities in Iowa for Grocery Stores & Supermarkets per capita.

All Grocery Stores & Supermarkets in Clive, Iowa

Find Clive Grocery Stores & Supermarkets addresses, and lookup phone numbers, hours & services.

Eat Fit Go Healthy Foods 9901 University Ave Clive, 50325

Price CHPR 1319 15500 Hickman Rd Clive, 50325

Specialty Foods 8040 University Blvd Clive, 50325